Title: Life... With No Breaks
Author: Nick Spalding
Publication Date: October 8 2010
Publisher: Racket Publishing
ISBN: 1461164095
Length: 222 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
I absolutely loved this book! I can not even count how many times I laughed out loud... and we are not talking a tiny chuckle here or there. They were proper tears in the eyes and belly laughs.
While reading I found myself many times talking out loud and answering questions that were being asked from Nick. I mean it would be rude not to answer right? This is why I could not read this book in public... between the laughs and me talking to myself people would have thought I was crazy.
As an American living in England I had no trouble at all with any of the British terms or words used. I strongly suggest this book to any Americans even if you are not living in England as Nick has added at the end a list of British terms/words and have explained what they mean. This made my day that he thought of those who are not from England.
All in all it was a great read and I didn't want it to end... I want, no I demand more Nick!

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