Music journalist Tru Bennett has done the impossible: capture the heart of rock-star bad boy Jake Wethers. Now they’re busy planning a wedding and navigating their new life together in the US. Of course Tru misses London and her best friend, Simone, but living happily ever after with Jake in LA is going to be great…right?
Wrong. Even the bright California sun can’t whitewash the dark side of celebrity coupledom. Greedy music execs, merciless paparazzi, and Jake’s wild past are lurking around every corner. Making matters worse, Jake announces he doesn’t want kids, which just may be a deal breaker.
Tru loves Jake more than anything. But when a devastating crisis threatens to destroy everything they’ve fought for, the couple must face the hard truth: What if, this time, love is not enough?
Wrong. Even the bright California sun can’t whitewash the dark side of celebrity coupledom. Greedy music execs, merciless paparazzi, and Jake’s wild past are lurking around every corner. Making matters worse, Jake announces he doesn’t want kids, which just may be a deal breaker.
Tru loves Jake more than anything. But when a devastating crisis threatens to destroy everything they’ve fought for, the couple must face the hard truth: What if, this time, love is not enough?
Title: Wethering the Storm (The Storm ~ Book 2)
Author: Samantha Towle | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Website
Publication Date: August 20 2013
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Length: 402 Pages
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Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Cover Love: I don't hate it, however the top part of the Tru seems to be missing... her hands are there but where is the rest of her body? Also, Jake has longer hair.
Point of View: Alternating 1st person between both Tru and Jake, however there is more in Tru's perspective.
My Rating: 5 Stars
I am going to be straight up and honest with you. I was a complete mixed bag of emotions when it came time to start reading Wethering the Storm. I was excited because I was about to get some more Jake Wethers, and I was scared to death because I just didn't know what to expect. Tru and Jake had to fight through so much in The Mighty Storm, and I wanted their fighting days behind them. I didn't know if my heart could take more turmoil. But, I pulled up my big girl panties and started it at Midnight, as soon as it appeared on my Kindle... I didn't stop reading until 5:00am.
“There is no one else for me. I begin and end with you.”
Tru. I loved Tru in The Mighty Storm. I thought she handled the situations which arose in a calm and mature manner. Can I just ask? What happened to THAT Tru? Because I now more than once found myself wanting to slap her up side her head, and I found myself rolling my eyes at some of her actions and internal thoughts. Jealousy. It's an evil thing. And unfortunately for a hot minute it turns Tru into one of those crazy women that I despise in books. Thankfully it only lasts a short time, and then she wises up.
“You don't complete me, Tru. You make me who I am. You make me better. I'd be nothing without you. Nothing. I've been there once before, and I'm never going back. I'm never losing you again.”
Jake "the snake" Wethers. *sigh* He has got to be one of my all time favorite rock stars. You all know that I am in love with the male perspective, so getting even a few chapters in Jake's POV was like winning the lottery. I was overjoyed to be in his head, and let me just tell you that it's an amazing place to be. Jake continues to struggle with his past, and yes his past includes his drug use. I hate spoilers, and I do not think this is one but I just have to add that drugs are a constant struggle... but they are not used. I think it is important to know that because it was one of my major concerns. Jake has finally realized there are other ways to deal with troubling circumstances, rather than running to the nearest dealer. Like I said, it's a constant struggle, but it would have been unrealistic for Jake to be able to immediately stop using and it not be on his mind. This made the story real.
“I want you to have the best of everything I can give you. And I’m not talking money here, Tru. I’m talking memories. Our life together.”
This is not your run of the mill rock star book, this is about a girl and boy who fell in love when they were little. Before the stardom and making it big. Deep down, that is what it is all about. A boy and girl who always knew they would be together forever, they just lost their way for a few years in-between.
The ending was absolutely perfect. I honestly can not think of a better way that I would have wanted it to all end up for these two, we even get an epilogue. I had tears in my eyes at the end, it was truly just perfection. I am now looking forward to the third book in this series, which at the time of this review has yet to be named or given a publication date. But that book will follow Tom. We saw some changes in him in this book, and it will be nice to get inside his head a little bit. I bet it's a strange and scary place... I can't wait.
“There isn’t anything I won’t do for you, Tru. Nothing I won’t do to make you happy. What I feel for you... it’s limitless. There is nothing before or after you. There is only you.”

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