After a short but earnest courtship, Bianca can no longer deny her feelings for James, and though she’s tried her hardest, she can’t help but see that he cares deeply for her, as well. In a completely uncharacteristic move, she has put aside her misgivings and agreed to live with the enigmatic billionaire. Is her leap of faith the beginning of something wonderful, or is it too much, too fast?
As James and Bianca feel a growing need for each other that neither can deny, circumstances beyond their control intervene, trying to tear them apart. Amidst the ever mounting threat of a monster who wants Bianca dead, and the constant pitfalls of an indiscreet past that James can’t seem to escape, can these two passionate lovers manage to find their happily ever after?
As James and Bianca feel a growing need for each other that neither can deny, circumstances beyond their control intervene, trying to tear them apart. Amidst the ever mounting threat of a monster who wants Bianca dead, and the constant pitfalls of an indiscreet past that James can’t seem to escape, can these two passionate lovers manage to find their happily ever after?
Title: Grounded (Up in the Air ~ Book 3)
Author: R.K. Lilley | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Website
Publication Date: February 10 2013
Publisher: Self-Published
Length: 378 Pages
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Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Cover Love: Wow. How long are her legs? She is exactly how I would picture Bianca.
Point of View: 1st person, following Bianca. However, there are a few surprise chapters from Stephan and James' point of view.
My Rating: 5 Stars
What a completely perfect series this has turned out to be. I am a big fan of the Fifty and Crossfire series, but the Up in the Air series has officially overtaken them in my eyes. I never thought I would see the day when I said this, but... "Christian who?" James Cavendish is simply perfect, but more on him in a bit.
“I want so much for this to last – for us to stay together. I’m desperate for it.”
I found that Bianca and James' relationship progressed the most in Grounded. As it should do as it's the last book of the series. But they really learn to communicate, and you can tell that they are both starting to trust each other. Bianca mostly, as she has always had problems with trust, but even James is learning.
One of the things I have always liked about James is that he never lies to Bianca. If she asks him for an answer he tells her. It may not always be a popular answer or one that she will like but he tells her the hard truth. Because Bianca ran before, James is always scared of that happening again. You can tell now that he has a bit more faith in her to stay. This of course is because Bianca is finally understanding out how devoted he is.
“You are more precious to me than my own life, by far. It’s not even a question. I would do anything for you.”
James... *sigh* Never has there been a character written that is the complete embodiment of so many wonderful attributes. He is the perfect blend of absolutely everything. I think it would be difficult at this stage for him to be knocked off the pedestal I have put him on. I just think he is perfect.
And Stephan continued to be the best book best friend... EVER. I really don't think you understand how much I love Stephan. And not only him but his and James' relationship has continued to grow. It means the world to Bianca that these two get along, but she should never have had any worries. James and Stephan have complete bromance going on, and it's amazing. They are never jealous of each other, and they know that together their love for Bianca is everything.
“I sometimes thought that our fast friendship had been kind of like joining a club, one made up of men that thought that Bianca Karlsson was the most perfect woman on the planet.”
The hot and steamy scenes are in fact as hot and steamy as ever. With this being the third book you would think that their sex scenes would get old, and or repetitive by now. But that isn't the case. One thing that Bianca and James don't have to worry about is being boring in that department. However, I want to stress that this series is not all just about the sex. There is so much character development, main and side stories, action and romance that helps to keep the pages turning.
“Is it romantic or psychotic when I say I'll never let you leave me?”
I have to admit I am quite sad to be saying goodbye to Stephan, Bianca and James. Although I couldn't have wished for a better ending to their story. We are also blessed with not one but two epilogues. It could not get any better than that.
Even though this is the end of their series, it doesn't mean it is the end of the characters in this story. In Grounded we get to meet Tristan and Danika. They are not on the best of terms, however you can tell there is a deep and complicated past between the two of them. Thankfully we get to find out what it is, because they are getting their own books. Bad Things, which is already published, will be my next read. From what I can tell on a time line it will take place before In Flight, the first book of the Up in the Air series. We will get to see how Tristan and Danika met, and maybe we will get to find out why it seems that Danika now dislikes Tristan so much. And maybe, just maybe we will get to see a little bit more of our very own Mr. Beautiful.
“The world went from black and white and into color when I laid eyes on you, my love. There'll be no going back.”

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