I can't be held responsible. Things that happen there are supposed to stay there, right? Right? Yeeeah. Not so much.
Andie's just days away from tying the knot, but there's just ooooone little glitch. Apparently, she's already married. Or someone with her name is married to a guy out in Oregon of all places, and the courthouse won't issue her a marriage license until it's all cleared up. Tripping her way through cow pies and country songs to meet up with a man who gets around places on horseback is her very last idea of how to have a good time, but if she's going to get married, make partner at the firm, and have two point five kids before she's thirty-five, she needs to get to the bottom of this snafu and fix it quick ... before her fiance finds out and everything she's been working toward goes up in flames.
I can't be held responsible. Things that happen there are supposed to stay there, right? Right? Yeeeah. Not so much.
Andie's just days away from tying the knot, but there's just ooooone little glitch. Apparently, she's already married. Or someone with her name is married to a guy out in Oregon of all places, and the courthouse won't issue her a marriage license until it's all cleared up. Tripping her way through cow pies and country songs to meet up with a man who gets around places on horseback is her very last idea of how to have a good time, but if she's going to get married, make partner at the firm, and have two point five kids before she's thirty-five, she needs to get to the bottom of this snafu and fix it quick ... before her fiance finds out and everything she's been working toward goes up in flames.
Title: Shine Not Burn
Author: Elle Casey | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Website
Publication Date: July 01 2013
Publisher: Self-Published
Length: 360 Pages
Add it to your TBR Pile: Goodreads
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Tour Organized by: Love Between the Sheets
Source: ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Cover Love: Nice, but I picture Mack bigger
Point of View: Alternating 1st person following Andie and 3rd person following Mack
My Rating: 4 Stars
Junior partner at work, husband, then partner at the firm and finally 2.5 kids. This has been Andie's life plan since she was fifteen years old. So far everything has fitted into place perfectly... that is until one night in Vegas. You know the old saying, 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'. Everything of course, except for drunken weddings nights that you wake up from remembering nothing about... That is until you are are applying for a marriage license because you are now engaged, only to find out you are already married.
“Just because a person is obsessed with the idea of something, doesn't make it right or even good for them.”
Andie. Focused, determined and hilarious. I understood her as a character. She took a tough childhood and focused on what she thought it would take for her to have a happy and successful life. What she didn't realize is that it was sucking all the life out of her. She was existing but not really living. What would it take for her to finally understand this? A sexy cowboy of course...
“I doubted at this point that I'd be able to string a coherent sentence together. His beauty combined with his slow-talking cowboy sexiness had completely robbed me of any intelligence.”
Mack. Wow. He is a hot as hell cowboy and as sweet as can be. There is just something about a hard working, down to earth, no holds barred cowboy. From the minute Andie and Mack meet, you can feel their chemistry. Mack never holds his feelings back. I love that about him. And as sweet as he is all the other times, he is a complete alpha in the bedroom, and in the shower, and in an open field... Wow indeed.
“Sexy. Handsome. Smart. Sexy. Magnetizing. Compelling. Muscles. Good family. Confident. Polite. Sexy.”
I absolutely adored every single interaction between Andie and Mack. When they first meet in Vegas, the sparks are flying. Then again when she has to go to Oregon to track him down. Slowly but surely Mack breaks down Andie's walls. That life plan she had? Yeah, that's a thing of the past when she is finally shown what kind of future she could really have.
Shine Not Burn was exactly what I needed right now. It was light-hearted, sexy and a heck of a lot of fun. There is still plenty of angst as Andie and Mack grow closer to each other, but there was also never a moment that I didn't understand the feelings they were each having. Meaning, I never felt like throwing my Kindle across the room, which is always a good sign. I found myself smiling while reading, and at the end we are gifted with a beautiful epilogue. It was the perfect ending.
“Sometimes, we just have to go where the wind takes us and see where we end up.”

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