Alrighty! My name is Emily Drema Tuallano, and I'm from Singapore, that weensy little red dot! It's so crazy hot over here, but sometime it's rainy here (I think the weather is experiencing mood swings). I'm fourteen this year. Anyway, besides reading and blogging, I love to do archery and play golf with my family! I'm also a Christian.
When and why did you become a book blogger?
I started off blogging in 2012. I'm a crazy bookworm and once or twice I tried to spaz with my sister over a novel I'm simply crazy about or this boy inside that I'm totally falling head over heels for. And I would always get a response which is like this .__.
So yes. I needed to find an outlet where I can freely express my load of 'feels' to the people who actually understand how I feel and can empathize with me. And that's how my Goodreads account started off!
As I roamed around the blogsphere, visited all the different book blogs. I really admired all their beautiful designs and I admired how there were so many such honest, down-to-earth reviewers. So I was inspired to start my own blog just this March!
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
Well, FlutterealFlight. I wanted my blog's name to be very special and unique. I think why I chose "Fluttereal" is because I love butterflies and anything that can fly just like hummingbirds. And I love anything that sounds ethereal.
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love meeting new people and debating about books with them! The greatest thing about blogging is the exposure it gives you to meet all sorts of new people out there. You'll meet all sorts of people and the best thing about it is that you get to interact with them. I've met so many great people on my short journey in blogging, such as the awesome and sweet Lisseth from Read-a-holicZ, Giselle from Xpresso Reads, Hannah at Book Haven Extraordinaire, Jessi at Auntie Spinelli Reads! And now you! I've also got an opportunity to interact with many other fabulous bloggers. They've been so helpful to me, giving me advice and helping me along the way.
And of course, also it's the part where I get to share my view openly without getting judged by people who don't really understand.
What do you find the hardest about blogging?
Well, the hardest thing about blogging is tackling those negative comments and those haters! It can really get to my confidence and I know a lot of bloggers get hate mail too. It's also difficult to handle people who are being unreasonable. I mean your opinion is your own, and you should have the freedom to express it! If you want to disagree, you could do it in a polite manner.
Another difficulty is committing to post everyday. I know I can't because of school and other commitments, though I really wish I could!
Does your blog participate in any weekly features and if so which is your favorite?
Hmmm… My blog does participate in a series of features, though it's hard to choose which one is my favorite! I participate in Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, Feature and Follow Friday, hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee and Alison at Alison Can Read, and the Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Reviewer. I would say I like the Feature and Follow Friday Hop best. Meeting new people and getting to know more about them is definitely very fun and interesting. However, I haven't had the time to participate for the longest time!
What has been your favorite moment since you became a book blogger? Which review, interview or giveaway have you been most proud of?
I was so happy to receive the Secret For A Song ARC from Giselle at Xpresso Book Tours (Giselle is like a seriously awesome blogger, and I really really admire her) and I am so grateful. The Tour will be in June, so do look out for my review!
What kind of genres do you enjoy reading and reviewing the most?
My favorite genres are Dystopia and Mystery! They are so exciting and I really love the action and suspense that it is typically involved in the novels. They keep me on the edge of my seat constantly! And the world-building in exceptional Dystopia novels are… breath-taking and so realistic! I can feel myself immersed in them and sometimes they cause a chill to run up my spine (Divergent, Breathe and Under The Never Sky!). I also really love Historical Fiction and retellings of classic tales.
What is your favorite individual book or series? What makes you love it so much?
Now that is a very difficult question.
I really loved Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen. I have always loved the tale of Robin Hood and this fresh take on it was absolutely brilliant (did I mention that Scarlet was Miss Gaughen's debut novel?). I loved the characters (Robin and Scarlet *squee!*) and the romance was so sweet!
I also loved the 2nd to 4th book of the Need Series by Carrie Jones! The Norse Mythology was brilliant and Astley (uber sexy) was gorgeous! The characters were all quirky and full of spunk and the whole storyline was so driven and breath-taking.
Breathe by Sarah Crossan is also another of my favorites! The world-building is spectacular, the plot so full of action and the characters all so relatable.
The Books of Bayern were also brilliant and that's the type of fantasy that I fell in love with a long time ago.
Divergent was spectacular too.
Well, I can actually list at least another 10 more books/series, and that would probably take 365 days to blabber, so if you want to know more, just scroll down to my sidebar and you can see it all there!
Who is your favorite fictional male character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Oh no. That's a question no one should EVER ask me. I can go on for days.
There's actually a list on my 'About' Page (http://flutterealreads.blogspot.sg/p/about.html), but let me just tell you my absolute favorite.
It's ASTLEY from the Need series by Carrie Jones! He's so sweet, strong and gorgeous. He's also protective and loving, loyal and he can make compromises and he doesn't force anything on you. That said, he's not perfect either. He has his own personal demons, and he just does his best to hide them or not let them show.
I also really love Puck from the Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa, though I'm Team Ash. I really wish Puck could also find his happy ending. Puck is just roll-on-the-floor hilarious, expert dagger-man, and he makes sacrifices. Despite that not-a-care-in-the-world exterior, he also has a heart.
I'm going to stop here. Any further and I swear it's going to be a full-out spaz xD
Who is your favorite fictional female character, why and from what book or series are they from?
My favorite female character has got to be Alina from Breathe. She's full of spunk and totally badass. She has a mind of her own and isn't one to go weak in the knees and googly-eyed when her love interest walks by.
I also love Zara from the Need Series. She has a very interesting personality and habits we don't find in many other protagonists. She's a pacifist, and yet she kicks butt when she has too. And she is another one of those crackers! She and Issie can really make me laugh.
Who are your favorite authors and why?
Carrie Jones. She's just like Zara in so many ways. And she likes fudgesicles!
Gennifer Albin. Total genius in my opinion, and I love her wit.
If you could turn one book or series into films, what would you pick and who would you cast as the main characters?
Oh yes! If I were a producer, I would turn Need into a movie. I've been waiting and praying for so long! I'm not good at all for casting. Seriously.
Lucy Hale - Zara
Nicole Anderson - Issie
Nicholas Hoult - Devyn
Chace Crawford - Nick
What has been your favorite book of 2013? Why did you love it?
My favorite book is definitely Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen. It was such an exhilarating read! I loved all the characters so much, and the whole novel made me laugh and cry so many times! And the romance was so sweet.
I also really loved Crewel by Gennifer Albin. The idea of a world being built out of threads like a tapestry was simply a breath-taking experience. And the characters was so full of wit and humor.
What books are you most looking forward to in 2013?
So many! For one, it's all the sequels! Altered (Crewel #2), Resist (Breathe #2) and the sequel to Scarlet!
Paper books or ebooks?
Paper, definitely!
Where is your favorite place to read?
In my room (or in the toilet if I need some peace and quiet!)
Milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate?
Coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate xD
Would you like to give any other details about yourself? How can others find you around the web? Such as Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc...
Blog: http://www.flutterealreads.blogspot.com
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/emilydrema
Thanks for having me Christine! :D You're made of awesome <3