Title: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Author: Seth Grahame-Smith
Publication Date: March 2nd 2010
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
ISBN: 0446563080
Length: 336 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
What a marvellous book! Seth Grahame-Smith has been able to seamlessly combine the real life history and facts of one of America's most beloved Presidents with such a bizarre subject... vampires!
I started this book with the idea in my head that it would flirt on the edge of insane or quirky but instead I actually found myself thinking far too many times, "This could have really happened." My suspension of disbelief completely melted away and I found myself believing every word that I was reading. Even today at work I was explaining the book to a co-worker and I had to actually stop myself as I was retelling parts of the story because I found myself speaking as if it were all truth and facts. The writing seemed effortless in how it weaved fact and fiction flawlessly.
I was so happy when I reached the end, not because I was glad for it to be over but because I enjoyed it so much I was nervous that somehow the ending would let me down. But thankfully it did not.
This book is dark, gory in places, violent and completely wonderful.

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