Title: Love... And Sleepless Nights (Book 2)
Author: Nick Spalding
Publication Date: May 10 2012
Publisher: Racket Publishing
ISBN: 1477488138
Length: 171 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
Nick has outdone himself again! From the first chapter I was laughing with tears in my eyes, then when we first hear from Jamie I had to put it down from laughing. I tried to tell a friend at work about it and again started laughing so hard I had to stop and compose myself.
I am a little sad with the ending I have to say... I can only hope that there are some lost diaries and blog posts out there that eventually come to surface. I can't have this be the end of Laura and Jamie! I need to know what happens, there are too many good years to read about.
I would recommend Love... From Both Sides and Love... And Sleepless Nights to anybody who would ask my opinion... and truth be told to people who don't ask for it because they would not be disappointed.

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