Title: Be Witched (Jolie Wilkins Novella ~ Book 2.5
Author: H.P. Mallory
Publication Date: December 12 2011
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: n/a
Length: 55 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Can no longer be purchased on it's own, however it is currently included with 'The Witch is Back'
My Rating: 5 Stars
I knew this was a Novella when I started but that didn't stop me wishing it were longer. I loved going back to a couple important scenes from Toil and Trouble and seeing them from Rand's point of view. How he interacts with Sinjin when Jolie is not around, his true feelings for her which we all really knew but are so hard for him to voice to her, I could go on for ages...
I would have loved there to be more! I would also absolutely love a story from Sinjin's point of view, what does that vampire get up to when he is not with Jolie and annoying Randall?

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