Title: Charlotte Street
Author: Danny Wallace
Publication Date: May 10 2012
Publisher: Ebury Press
ISBN: 0091919029
Length: 416 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 3 Stars
This is going to be a tough review to write... not because I loved this book or because I hated it, in fact I am decidedly somewhere in the middle. If they allowed 1/2 stars then I would give this book a solid 3.5, as there are only full stars I have decided to bump it up to 4.
This is a book about real life. The good, the bad and the ugly. There is more good than bad and ugly but I did find myself struggling at certain points. I even found myself skipping small sections (gasp) when I saw it was entering into another very drawn out life experience montage. I also found that when something happened in Jason's life the story would all of a sudden switch to some other time and place and I had to reread to make sure my Kindle hadn't skipped a page or section.
I was a bit disappointed in the ending, would have loved to had more of 'The Girl', I mean after all this is what it was all building toward right? Although this is more of a story about friends and life in general, you know the stuff that gets in the way of your dreams...
In the end I am glad I read it and I would suggest to others, however I would suggest the sample first. If you find yourself not loving it or the style of writing then I would skip it because it will not be for you.

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