Title: Love... From Both Sides (Book 1)
Author: Nick Spalding
Publication Date: September 2 2011
Publisher: Racket Publishing
ISBN: 2475002956
Length: 142 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
Do not attempt to read this book:
1) In bed with somebody who is trying to sleep next to you or in bed if you have cats who try to sleep on top of you when you read
3) Are in a public place. On a train, in a waiting room or at work? Forget it
4) If you can not laugh at sex and or poop
Do read this book if:
1) You don't mind laughing out loud more than once (please note you may also have a few full on belly laughs, hence the reason the cats were not happy about me disturbing their sleep)
2) You have a good sense of humor and just really want a hilarious easy read
Needless to say I absolutely loved this book! Honestly found myself laughing so hard a few times that I had proper tears in my eyes and even my husband came to check on me to ask what I was reading and what was so funny. I have read another of Nick's books, Life... With No Breaks and I found it so enjoyable I knew I would love this. It did not disappoint. I fell in love with Jamie, it was so refreshing to also read the unfolding love story from his point of view. Too many books are solely from the woman's point of view, this made for a nice change to see he was not afraid of the feelings he was having and in fact embraced them (long story short, it was good to see the man do a little of the chasing for once...)
I have already purchased Love... And Sleepless Nights and plan on starting it right away.

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