Title: Big Game (The VV Inn ~ Book 3)
Author: C.J. Ellisson
Publication Date: April 21 2012
Publisher: Red Hot Publishing
Length: 302 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
As with the other two books I continued to enjoy this story.
This was also told from different points of view of each of the main characters. Unlike in the second book where the story was passed off to each person seamlessly... This was a little different because the group was in two different locations. This made for quite a few cliffhangers and it urged me on to not want to stop reading so that I could get back to the cliffhanger scene to see what was happening. I do not find this type of storytelling confusing and had no trouble keeping up with who's head we are in at that moment.
I will be on the lookout for any future books in this series.

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