Title: Wuthering Frights (Dulcie O'Neil ~ Book 4)
Author: H.P. Mallory
Publication Date: April 29 2012
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: 1477406794
Length: 235 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
Dulcie, Dulcie, Dulcie... What have you got yourself into?!
Let me start off by saying that yet again H.P. Mallory has outdone herself. Immediately picking up where Great Hexpectations left off we are able to dive right back into the life of Dulcie O'Neil. This time around however she is up to her eyeballs in it, once leading the life of a Regulator -Think police officer, now finding herself being forced to be one of the bad guys.
I honestly felt for Dulcie in this book, yeah yeah I know she is a fictional character but it just goes to show how great of a writer H.P. Mallory is. Dulcie is being forced to end it with her one true love, Knightly Vander... she can't let her friends in on what is happening and it all seems hopeless.
I have to say that I am so glad she did not fall for Quillan in this book. As they are now both working on the same side it would have been easy to start a relationship with him but she knows who she loves and stuck by that.
Now saying that... one thing you do learn from this book is to not tick off Knight! He is one upset Loki! The scene toward the end of the book with Dulcie and Knight was almost uncomfortable to read. I just wanted him to believe her so much, I wanted him to take her in his arms and just hold her. She has been through so much but then I guess so has he. I can see where his anger is coming from and can even see how the puzzle is fitting together in his head. But surly what Dulcie is saying can easily be proven with a phone call to his friend Gabriel as he would prove what she is saying about going after the Head of the Netherworld after she was released from Prison. Or maybe a quick call to Caressa? I am sure the 5th in the series will start off exactly where this left off as thankfully all of H.P. Mallory's books seem to do. I can only hope that by that time Knight has seen the light and begs for Dulcie's forgiveness for not believing her.
H.P. Mallory announced recently on Facebook that the 5th in the series will be titled 'Malice in Wonderland' and will be released in November 2012. That seems like ages away but hopefully it will go very quickly so that we can all get our Dulcie, Knight and Bram fix!

I think that I loved this book in the Dulcie series most of all because there was so much angst and the ending was such a surprise. I can't wait for the 5th book to come out so I can see what happens between Knight and Dulcie!!!