Title: Great Hexpectations (Dulcie O'Neil ~ Book 3)
Author: H.P. Mallor
Publication Date: October 28 2011
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: 1470086115
Length: 245 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
In my review of A Tale of Two Goblins I had said that the ending had left me wanting more and was hoping that Great Hexpectations would pick up where it left off. I was not disappointed in the slightest. In fact the only way I can describe the first 20% of this book is by saying... WOW! Or as Dulcie would say, Holy Hades!
This book was non-stop from the first page. Unlike the other books which took place on Earth this book took us into the Netherworld. Although the Netherworld is just on another layer -think cake, it is completely different and very dangerous. Creatures also do not appear as they do on Earth which I felt was a welcome surprise. This of course meant Dulcie had a couple of unwanted sidekicks and Bram became even more delicious with his dark tanned skin and violet eyes. Of course Knight is already the most handsome man Dulcie has ever seen but even in the Netherworld he was all the more perfect. And looks are not the only thing different about the creatures of Netherworld... Bram's eating habits were also a nice addition.
I have found myself reading through all of the H.P. Mallory quite quickly. They are filled with such page turning fun and excitement that I find myself not being able to put them down even for a moment.
Now off to start Wuthering Frights, however I do not know what I am going to do after it is finished as it means I am completely caught up with all of the H.P. Mallory books. I will just have to sit and pine with all of the other fans! *sigh*

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