Title: Vampire Vacation (The VV Inn ~ Book 1)
Author: C.J. Ellison
Publication Date: October 10 2010
Publisher: Red Hot Publishing; Second edition
Length: 298 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 4 Stars
This was a very fun read!
I did enjoy the characters and will be reading the next two in the series. I am giving it four stars simply because I did sometimes find that Vivian was a little hard on people and found myself having to re-read a section or two because she would all of a sudden get upset with somebody and I was afraid I had missed something. Even if the question asked of her was a simple question she would sometimes gets very irate with the person. Maybe this is just showing her personality.
But I would suggest it to anybody who enjoys Paranormal Romance.. and I will be the first to say Rafe is hot!

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