Title: The Hunt (The VV Inn ~ Book 2)
Author: C.J. Ellisson
Publication Date: June 30 2011
Publisher: Red Hot Publishing
ISBN: 0987704257
Length: 300 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
Really enjoyed this book! The main difference between book 1 and book 2 is that this book is told from the view point of a few character and with each chapter is switches, it was very clever and smart. The story was seamlessly passed between each person and I had no trouble keeping up with who we were with at any given point. From seeing what Rafe and Jonathan truly think about each other, to inside the mind of Paul who was recently turned, it was very enlightening. Asa was a joy to learn more about, as was Drew.
I would highly recommend this book as a follow up to the first and I actually enjoyed it more. Will now be reading the third book in this series.

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