Title: To Kill a Warlock (Dulcie O'Neil ~ Book 1)
Author: H.P. Mallory
Publication Date: July 3 2010
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: 1453791760
Length: 210 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
I had a really hard time trying to figure out what to read after I finished up the Jolie Wilkins series. When you get caught up or finish reading a series you love it is as if a good friend leaves your side. I am so glad I chose to immediately start the Dulcie O’Neil series.
Dulcie is a strong independent fairy who works as a Regulator -think police officer but for the Netherworld creatures not for humans. It was wonderful to see such a strong female lead, I'm not saying that that Jolie Wilkins is not strong, it just seemed different. Because of Dulcie being in law enforcement the the way she speaks takes on a much gritter overtone which I enjoyed. When somebody flirts with her there is still a bit of swoon but she doesn't let it cloud her original purpose which is catching the bad guy. Of course there is still plenty of sexual tension and this is one of the things that makes H.P. Mallory such a great author. You get drawn into the situation with the characters, you want the moment to proceed further... willing it on and then when it stops you end up agreeing with the decision made and you hurry to read on to find out what happens next.
The characters were all very interesting and I did fall in love with Dulcie. I'm so happy there are 3 more books for me to read and from what I have heard there is a fifth in the pipeline. Thank Hades!

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