Title: Bloodfever (Fever ~ Book 2)
Author: Karen Marie Moning
Publication Date: October 1 2007
Publisher: Delacorte Press
ISBN: 038533916X
Length: 303 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
I really liked Darkfever, but I loved Bloodfever! There was some major character development that took place in this book. Of course there is a lot of story to go and way more to learn but I feel much closer to Mac now. Yes she still daydreams of her previous life but you can tell how much she has grown up. Even Barrons referred to her as a woman.
I do wish Mac would trust Barrons a bit more. Yes I know he has secrets and I know that scares her but he has saved her so many times. The fact she still has the thought in her head that he is only keeping her around as an OOP locator is ridiculous. He has kissed her (or so she thinks she remembers), pushed his obvious attraction onto her and nearly crumbled when he thought she was close to death. That's a bit more than just wanting somebody around for their locating skills.
I know a lot of people's reviews of book two seem to mention that it was at this stage that they had figured out what Barrons is... Well I must be thick because I still don't know. But I am going to really enjoy reading more to find out.

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