Title: Dreamfever (Fever ~ Book 4)
Author: Karen Marie Moning
Publication Date: August 18 2009
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
ISBN: 0440338786
Length: 388 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
This series just keeps getting better and better.. is that even possible? Yes it is! Although writing a review for this or any book in the series has been quite difficult as there are so many plot twists and turns I am afraid to give something away in the review.
As with the previous books they all run into each other and little to no time is lost in the transition. With many series books I have to say again, I am so glad I read these once they were all released. I would have died a few times already if I actually had to wait around for the next book to be published.
The first 15% of this book is.. HOT. There is other way of saying it. Just wow. I didn't want it to end but sadly it did. But then I was full of so many different emotions throughout and the end!?! Talk about a cliffhanger. I even had to start book five before I could come back here and write this review. Couldn't stop for a minute.
I would strongly recommend this series to anybody.

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