Title: DarkFever (Fever ~ Book 1)
Author: Karen Marie Moning
Publication Date: October 1 2006
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Length: 342 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 4 Stars
This book did take me a little bit to get into but in the end I was really enjoying it and am eager to continue on with the series. I think a lot of my reluctance was coming from two areas.
First would be the writing style. In a lot of instances the author would add something to the effect of "I didn't know this at the time but would find out years later..." or "Barrons and I didn't discuss it then but we would weeks later." It is said quite a lot and was starting to grate on me a little.
Second is Mac in general. I think this is just because I am coming off a few books where the lead is a strong and confident female. I know she has been thrown into a world she didn't know about and didn't want to know about but you are knee deep now, buck up! Too many times she would refer to her 'old life' of bartending, fashion magazines, sunbathing, clothes, her long blood hair or her pink nails. She is just very superficial. Even toward the end when she finally kicked ass she thinks about her three broken nails and after she was applying her new coat of nail polish. I hope she is over the little lamb lost act in the next book and has finally accepted what she is and what she needs to do.
There is so much to learn about Barrons and I have a feeling I am going to enjoying finding those things out.

I've been wanting to read this book. Heard alot about it from other bloggers and friends.