Title: Faefever (Fever ~ Book 3)
Author: Karen Marie Moning
Publication Date: September 1 2008
Publisher: Delacorte Press
ISBN: 0385341636
Length: 327 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
I think this has been my favorite book of the Fever Series so far. The ending left me completely shocked and if I had been reading them when they were originally coming out I would have gone insane with the wait. Thankfully I can immediately start book 4!
I still don't understand why Mac does not trust Barrons more. It's the only times I get really frustrated with the series. Yes he is closed off and doesn't reveal a lot about himself but still... He has saved her on a number of occasions and it is obvious to me at least that he is not really bad. So why hide so many important details from him?
Maybe she will finally learn to trust Barrons in the next book...

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