Title: The Ghoul Next Door (Larue Donavan ~ Book 3)
Author: Rose Pressey
Publication Date: July 7 2012
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: n/a
Length: 280 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 4 Stars
I really do love Larue and I love Callahan! However, I just didn't love this book as much as the first two. I liked it, just didn't love it.
There were a few parts where I just had an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. I just felt like it was the same story... again.
Then there were parts that I just couldn't wrap my head around. At one point Larue thinks about how she could really use her own set of binoculars. Uhhmmmm.... You bought a pair for yourself in book two, don't you remember? Then Larue in one chapter is saying that she and Callahan haven't really been able to spend much time together and that they don't really know each other very well yet... but in the next chapter we find he has given her keys to his shop?! That is very trusting... And why has she started saying "y'all" all of a sudden?
I read these three books all in a row which is maybe why I have picked up on things that I may not have if there was distance between them. This should really not be an excuse for lazy writing though. An author should know their story and what has been written before.
I know it may look like I didn't like this book but really I did and I have suggested them to my friends. I just didn't find myself loving it like the others which was a bit of a shame. I hope the author can surprise me in the next instalment.

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