Title: Ghouls Night Out (Larue Donavan ~ Book 2)
Author: Rose Pressey
Publication Date: September 27 2011
Publisher: Self Published
ISBN: n/a
Length: 261 Pages
Link to Synopsis: Goodreads
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Rating: 5 Stars
Another fun entertaining read by Rose Pressey. This book started off exactly where we last left Larue and Callahan, which was on one of Larue's ghost hunts. As before there are always tag-a-longs that follow her home. My favorite was Anthony, he was so sweet. I also loved Seth, he really helped to look out for Callahan also.
Again, as with book one, I felt there wasn't enough time with Larue and Callahan together. I hope finally in the next book they can spend some quality time with each other. It's time to give the poor guy a break from the magic spells I think.
I love that Larue is a 'Ghost Hunter' and would like to see more of that part of her life, but I have a feeling the next book will be more about her learning witchcraft. Also, I am so happy she finally opened up with Callahan about her special talent. There was no chance for a future without him knowing.
A few things unanswered leave me wondering... Why did Anthony appear so much brighter than other ghosts? And why when he touched her was it warm? This really never got answered and it has left me guessing.
I am looking forward to reading book three, The Ghoul Next Door.

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