Bookworm in Love

When and why did you become a book blogger?
I started my blog in April 2012, but truly started blogging in May, after I read Obsidian. I felt so guilty for loving it so much and not reviewing it, because Katy (from Obsidian) was a book blogger, and she was so awesome, and I felt all lame about my blog because of her, so I decided to get my blog really up and running.
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
My mom actually came up with 'Bookworm in Love.' I had originally thought of 'My Book Crush,' but that was already taken on Blogger!
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love reviewing books, because it's so much more me than any meme I do, and it spreads my general love of all things bookish. I just love telling people my opinions on the books I read!
What do you find the hardest about blogging?
I'm really lame about following through on comments and such, because I am super busy and barely have time to write posts and reviews during the week, let alone comment on other people's blogs and follow and do things for the nice people who comment on my blog.
Does your blog participate in any weekly features and if so which is your favorite?
I participate in A LOT of weekly features, just because I feel like I want to have posts every day. My favorite is the 'Top Ten Tuesday' from The Broke and the Bookish, because I can put a ton of personal spin on it.
What has been your favorite moment since you became a book blogger? Which review, interview or giveaway have you been most proud of?
Favorite moment since becoming a blogger. Hmmmm. Well I think I was the most excited about book blogging when I got my first NetGalley approval, because that kind of meant, to me, that this whole blogging thing was worthwhile. I got The Lost Prince, and I had wanted it so badly, it just made me feel super legitimate and like I finally had a little bit of credibility. My favorite review that I have written was for Daughter of Smoke and Bone, because I feel like it captures what I want to portray as a reviewer, and I just completely, utterly loved that book :)
What kind of genres do you enjoy reading and reviewing the most?
YA Paranormal Romance. I review all kinds of YA, though, and love it!
What is your favorite individual book or series? What makes you love it so much?
My favorite book right now has got to be The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. I'm not sure why I loved it so much, because I know a lot of people thought it was way too weird and confusing, but I just thought it was so well written and you can't help but love Noah Shaw. He's British! I mean, I totally love Mara, too, but the guy character is always my favorite! The two of them were hilarious together, too.
Who is your favorite fictional male character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Much as I love Noah, I gotta say Daemon from the Lux series for this one! He's so sarcastic and caring, all at the same time, and that totally makes it for me in a guy. I love his banter with Katy, and the way he takes care of her (I mean, if you've read Onyx, how can you not love him after that Thanksgiving scene!?). He's just all around amazing and gorgeous and fantastic. Definitely my favorite male character in a really long time.
Who is your favorite fictional female character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Clary from The Mortal Instruments all the way. She's hilariously sarcastic and funny and adorable, and she is so brave. I totally wanted to be her when I was like 13 and had first read City of Bones, because she's just so cool. Plus, she gets Jace, who is a close 3rd to Daemon and Noah in my book!
Who are your favorite three authors and why?
Jennifer Armentrout is always at the top of my list, because she's just really fantastic about interacting with her readers and always spreads a lot of blogger love, and I totally love her for that. (She's also kind of the author of the Lux series, so Daemon came from her brain, and that's plenty to make her my top favorite).
Michelle Hodkin, author of The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, because she's really funny and fantastic and I totally love reading her blog. She also wrote my current favorite book, so I like her a lot ;)
Cassandra Clare, because she's awesome and the author of The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices and I LOVE ALL HER BOOKS. All of them. I own all of her books, too, so I would love to meet her and get them all signed!
If you could turn one book or series into films, what would you pick and who would you cast as the main characters?
I would love to see The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer as a movie, but I totally don't know actors and actresses (I read more than I watch TV and movies)!!
What are you reading right now?
I am currently reading The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater and Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan.
Paper books or ebooks?
Paper books
Which would be your favorite place to read? Curled up on a cold day in front of a fireplace, in front of a window on a lovely overcast rainy day or outside on a hammock on a warm summer’s day?
In front of the fire place- I get so ADD outside and can't read!
Milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate?
Dark chocolate
Coffee or hot tea?
Would you like to give any other details about yourself? How can others find you around the web? Such as Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc...
Blog: http://bookworminlove.blogspot.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bookworminlove
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6368071-megan
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bookworminlove/
Tumblr: http://artichokesaremylife.tumblr.com/
:D thank you so much for spotlighting me!!