Read. Write. Love.

When and why did you become a book blogger?
So I could get ARCs! Haha no, I kid, I kid.
I’m a newbie book blogger. I started my blog back in June 2012. I love to review the books I read--it helps me to sort out my thoughts/feelings towards the book and helps it to sink in better. I also love the idea that my review could be helpful to someone thinking about reading the book. I’ve always wanted to try blogging so I decided to make a blog where I could share my reviews.
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love being able to connect with other fellow book lovers! I don’t have any bookish friends (except my bestie whom I unwillingly turned into a semi-bookworm. I was quite proud of that accomplishment), so being able to discuss books online is really exciting for me.
What do you find the hardest about blogging?
Well, as a clueless newbie *shy grin* the hardest part is figuring everything out. It’s like stepping into a whole new culture and having to learn all the customs and the language. I feel like a foreigner who has entered a community not knowing where I fit in or if I will be accepted. And it’s intimidating to ask a stranger for help!
Does your blog participate in any weekly features and if so which is your favorite?
I love Top Ten Tuesday by The Broke and the Bookish! The topics are always fun and since they’re lists they’re quick and easy to read. And it’s fun to hop around and see everyone’s top ten :]
What has been your favorite moment since you became a book blogger? Which review, interview or giveaway have you been most proud of?
Well this is probably going to sound pathetic, but so far my favorite moment has been when I got my first follower *teary eyes*. It was very encouraging to know that there was at least one person out there reading my posts and I wasn’t rambling on to myself like a crazy. Hey one step at a time, right?
What kind of genres do you enjoy reading and reviewing the most?
I love YA fantasy! Anything will do—dystopian, paranormal, high fantasy, etc. As long as it involves something impossible (or fangs or claws) I’m down!
What is your favorite individual book or series? What makes you love it so much?
I have so many favorites, but I’m going to say the Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. I love the characters, especially Will, and that series has just sucked me in emotionally. It’s also the only love triangle that has really worked for me. I honestly don’t know if I want Tessa to choose Jem or Will. Plus, Victorian England = awesomeness!
Who is your favorite fictional male character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Well, I have a little love triangle of my own going on here because I’m in love with both Jace (from Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series) and Will (from her Infernal Devices series). They are both such intriguing characters that have gotten to me emotionally, and they’re sexy. Please don’t make me choose! *clamps hands over ears and runs away*
Who is your favorite fictional female character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Easy! Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. She’s smart, confident, brave, and awesome. She was basically my role model as a kid (and still is). And she’s a book lover like me :]
Who are your favorite three authors and why?
J.K. Rowling ~ Her characters and plots are so amazing! And her world building…so incredibly detailed. She’s my inspiration as a writer.
Cassandra Clare ~ Her characters and plots are the best I’ve seen since Harry Potter (in my opinion). I just fall in love with all of her characters! And I love her sarcastic, witty sense of humor.
Maggie Stiefvater ~ I just love the way that woman writes! It’s so beautiful. I can’t wait to get ahold of the Raven Boys!
What are you reading right now?
I’m reading Pegasus : The Flame of Olympus by Kate O’Hearn. I’m only 15 pages in so it’s too early to say if it’ll be good or not. But it’s about a girl who finds Pegasus in the middle of New York City and gets caught up in the war going on in Olympus…so it can’t be too bad, right?
Paper books or ebooks?
Paper! They smell nice :)
Which would be your favorite place to read? Curled up on a cold day in front of a fireplace, in front of a window on a lovely overcast rainy day or outside on a hammock on a warm summer’s day?
Curled up in front of the window on a rainy day! Its unwritten law that when it rains, I must read.
Milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate?
Milk chocolate ^.^ noms
Coffee or hot tea?
Well, considering I don’t like coffee or tea I’d have to say neither. But if I had to pick the lesser of two evils, I’d go with tea. (I know I’m weird, don’t judge me for my beverage choices)
Would you like to give any other details about yourself? How can others find you around the web? Such as Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc...
Blog: http://ireadwritelove.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Read_Write_Love
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5689264-kaitlin
Nice interview :) I can totally relate about feeling like a stranger in a strange land! There was definitely a learning process when I started my blog. I checked out yours and its very cute!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy this interview! My favourite part is when Kaitlin said she like the smell of papers! LOL
ReplyDeleteI love your honesty. Yes I feel, for me, that it is hard to make a cohesive review, especially one you love, that others will understand and not only you. I have thought about blogging. I have tried writing reviews on goodreads, yet I am always doubting if its good... lol