Pink Polka Dot Book Blog

When and why did you become a book blogger?
I started my blog in March 2012. I decided to do it because I had been reviewing on goodreads, and I like to read and write, so I thought why not? Plus I saw a few blogs (Xpresso Reads and AnnaReads) that I thought were pretty cool.
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
I guess a lame answer would be that I like polka dots and the color pink right? But I was just trying to come up with something that wasn't commonly used and I could make pretty backgrounds with :)
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love playing around with graphics and such, but the best part about it is the cool blogging community that I didn't even know exsited. I mean who knew there were so many people who want to talk about the best thing in the world, BOOKS!
What do you find the hardest about blogging?
The hardest thing about blogging was trying to figure everything out by myself. I didn't know ANYTHING about blogging, ARC's, giveaways, etc., plus I didn't really know that much about graphics and html, so it was definitely a process figuring it all out.
Starting up in general was a process for me. I would see people start their blogs and have 300 followers like a day later... ok not a day, but still. I tried visiting and commenting on as many blogs as I could, but still it was slow going. Maybe if I had known someone who already had a successful blog, they could've helped me, but I didn't. Anyway the point of the story is that eventually things got semi-better and now I'm just happy to be writing and reading and the rest we'll just have to see about. :)
Does your blog participate in any weekly features and if so which is your favorite?
I participate in Top Ten Tuesday (Broke and the Bookish), which is my favorite because I love lists!! I also am going to be doing Top of the Pile (Elegantly Bound Books) which is where you blog about the book you are currently reading and how you think it's going to end... I'm excited about it!
What has been your favorite moment since you became a book blogger? Which review, interview or giveaway have you been most proud of?
I guess my most exciting moment was getting my first ARC!! I was like YES I'm in the ARC club and I get to read a book before it comes out!! I know everyone gets ARC's out the you-know-what but I was proud of my first one!
Also I was proud of my first giveaway. I gave away my own copy of Pushing the Limits By Katie McGarry because I loved the book so much and felt I should do my part in sharing it!
What kind of genres do you enjoy reading and reviewing the most?
I mostly read YA Contemporary. I do like some fantasy stuff, but mostly only if it's set in todays world (I know I'm weird). I like to be grounded somewhat in reality and I don't like to read long descriptions which tend to come in books where the world has totally changed.
What is your favorite individual book or series? What makes you love it so much?
Wow hard one!! My favorite book(s) from THIS year were:
Pushing the Limits By Katie McGarry ~ The relationship in the book was so addicting and I appreciated the complexity of the story.
The Ghost and the Goth series By Stacey Kade ~ It was light and fluffy and made me smile!
Who is your favorite fictional male character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss... not wild about the name Etienne, but I definitely had a book crush on him (and maybe still do).
Who is your favorite fictional female character, why and from what book or series are they from?
Ruby Oliver from The Boyfriend List... Is she not crazy/funny?!?! I wish I could be BFF's with her!
Who are your favorite three authors and why?
1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Courtney Summers! I think everything she writes is AMAZING! She just has this perfect knack for writing a M/C that you feel emotionally connected to.
2. John Green is amazing! Although I did go into a depression/funk after reading The Fault in Our Stars... it's intense!!!
3. E. Lockhart. You can never go wrong with one of her books!
If you could turn one book or series into films, what would you pick and who would you cast as the main characters?
I would LOVE to see Sloppy Firsts By Megan McCafferty made into a movie!! Cast... hmm that's a hard one because I don't know that many good teen actors.
You think Prince Harry would be up for playing Marcus Flutie?... No probably not (unless they film in Vegas!).
I think for Jessica Darling they would have to find an amazing unknown... like Emma Stone before she was Emma Stone.
What are you reading right now?
Right this moment I'm reading Confessions of an Angry Girl By Louise Rozett!!
Paper books or ebooks?
Jeez I like both! I guess I'll go with e-books because they're fun!
Which would be your favorite place to read? Curled up on a cold day in front of a fireplace, in front of a window on a lovely overcast rainy day or outside on a hammock on a warm summer’s day?
I'm going to pick the curled up on a cold day in front of the fireplace because it sounds cozy!
Milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate?
Dark chocolate is so ADDICTING!
Coffee or hot tea?
Would you like to give any other details about yourself? How can others find you around the web? Such as Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc...
Blog: http://pinkpolkadotbookblog.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PinkPlkaDotBlog
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6159720-michelle-pink-polka-dot-book-blog
Wow thanks so much for having me on here!! I think your blog is awesome and I think it's really nice of you to showcase other blogger! :)
ReplyDeletehi der, I have nominated you for One lovely blog award... Check the following link for details
Hi Christine,
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
I'd like to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award, if that's ok. If so, please go to:
Lovely wee interview, always love reading how others like such different things (I haven't heard of any of Michelles fav authors and I can't do dark chocolate).
ReplyDeleteLainy http://www.alwaysreading.net