Bartender Claire Nichols has always kept her customers at a friendly distance. But one serious lapse in judgment causes her life to take a drastic and brutal turn. She finds herself thrust into a life she never knew or wanted. She must depend on her intuition and adaptability. Yet she has difficulty trusting her own instincts. Now, every aspect of her livelihood depends on a tall wealthy dark-haired, dark-eyed businessman. Did fate bring Anthony Rawlings into her life? Or was it something more calculated? More sinister?
With very limited options, Claire attempts to endure a hellish existence that has changed her beliefs, her personality, her looks, and even her name. Actions have consequences. Will Claire be able to control the actions to accomplish her new goal—survival? Follow her tumultuous journey as she struggles to fight back and regain her freedom no matter what the Consequences…
With very limited options, Claire attempts to endure a hellish existence that has changed her beliefs, her personality, her looks, and even her name. Actions have consequences. Will Claire be able to control the actions to accomplish her new goal—survival? Follow her tumultuous journey as she struggles to fight back and regain her freedom no matter what the Consequences…
Title: Consequences (Consequences ~ Book 1)
Author: Aleatha Romig | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Website
Publication Date: October 21 2012
Publisher: Romig Works
ISBN: 9780988489
Length: 533 Pages
Add it to your TBR Pile: Goodreads
Buy It: Amazon US / Amazon UK
Source: Purchased (Kindle Edition)
Cover Love: It is quite fitting... but as the puzzle piece has a picture of Claire's neck I just keep thinking that it is a giant puzzle made of skin and that creeps me out a little.
Point of View: 3rd person, following mostly Claire but there is a bit of Tony and others
My Rating: 5 Stars
“Follow my rules: Number one, do as you are
told, do not divulge personal information, actions have consequences,
appearances are of vital importance, and public failure is not an option.”
You need to go into this book
with as little knowledge of it as possible and just let it take you on the ride
of your life. I assure you that there
will be plenty of ups but I also guarantee you that there will be even more
downs. Countless books have been
described as a ‘roller coaster’ but never before have I felt that definition
fit more perfectly than I do with Consequences.
The easiest way for me to write this review and to not give too much
away is to simply talk about the characters and give my thoughts about them.
“Claire believed she was teetering literally
on the edge of sanity. A strong wind was all it would take to blow her one way or
the other. Iowa had its share of storms, strong winds and tornadoes, they were
all unpredictable. It made an ironic parallel for her life.”
Claire. There were so many times
I just wanted to hug Claire. To simply
let her know that somebody was truly there for her and that it was all going to
be okay. However, there were just as
many times that I wanted to slap her. To
call her a spineless excuse for a human being and leave her to rot in her
Yes, I promise you my emotions toward Claire were this contradictory and
I was and still am confused by Claire.
One minute I was yelling at her to fight her way free but then I would
understand why she wasn’t doing just that.
This is not to say I agreed with all of her actions, no way, no how. Let us be honest with each other, she made
some really stupid mistakes and I strongly believe she has a series case of
Stockholm Syndrome.
“I want you to make me a promise. A promise, that you will do your best to
follow my rules. That you will do your
best – to never give me cause to hurt you again.”
Anthony/Tony. I honestly think I
need to see a therapist before I can fully explain the feelings I have for
Tony. If you believe my emotions toward
Claire to be conflicting then you haven’t heard anything yet. I’m not even sure I can go into detail about
him. Just the thought of Tony sends a
shiver down my spine. I have had dreams about
this man, and no not in a good way. It
was frightening. It wasn’t a scene from
the book and let’s just say it wasn’t one of the happy times between Tony and
Claire. It was bad. And to be honest when I woke up I had to
actually sit and think if the scene that was in my dream was in the book
because even how terrible it was I could actually see it being something that
Tony would do. Needless to say, I
despise Tony.
“I have spent most of my life only concerned
with myself. I’m truly trying even if it
does not always appear so… Perhaps I’m afraid of losing you, afraid you if you
truly know me you will not want to stay with me.”
But then... he does something nice and you see him trying to be a better
person. As Claire says many times
throughout the book, when things are good they are really good. He is just so sweet sometimes and just when
you find yourself starting to think things will be okay and somehow after all
that has happened maybe, just maybe, this will all work out perfectly. And then BOOM. You are hit with another curve ball. Because when things are bad, they are really
“God she hated the dance. A blow to the cheek one minute and discussing
a romantic getaway the next. It was the
one step forward, two steps back waltz.
She wanted to scream. Sitting on
the side of the bed, Claire allowed herself tears and swallowed”
You honestly feel like you are walking through a mind field as you are
reading. You experience the highs and
the lows right along with the characters.
As mentioned before when things are good you are smiling and going along
thinking all is right with the world then something will happen and you are
just waiting for the dam to burst. Your
heart starts to beat a bit faster as you anticipate how the scene is going to
play out. I felt the emotions right
along with Claire as I awaited to see how Tony would handle the situation and
waited to see if there were any more accidents.
Yes there is violence and sex, I wanted to make sure and point this out
in my review. However it is never gone
into with descriptive detail. You know
it is happening and there are some scenes that go into more detail than others
but I never felt uncomfortable reading them. Honestly do not let the fear of there being scenes of graphic violence and sex discourage you from starting this book because that is just not the case.
Along with my strong suggestion for each and every person I know to read
this book I have a couple other helpful hints that will get you through to the
other side with your sanity intact. I
don’t care if it is the hardback, paperback, Kindle, Nook, iPad, phone,
etc... There are going to be many times
while you are reading that you will want to throw it across the room. Please refrain from doing so because trust me
when I say you are going to want to see how Consequences ends. My second helpful hint is to have Truth, the
second in the series, ready to be started right away. You will be emotionally drained and exhausted
by the end but I promise that you will be unable to not want to immediately
start book two.
“The heat of the summer transformed the
green grass into long brown straw, only the weeds were green. Claire didn't mind, the weeds had pretty
flowers. Unlike Tony's flowers, which
had been sentenced to his yard, gardens, or clay pots, these flowers grew free
wherever they wanted. Furthermore, weeds
were survivors. When all else died, the
weeds remained. Yes, Claire liked

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